Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Determinism and Its Moral Implications

Drew Lewis 11/13/11 Philosophy Determinism and its Moral Implications Q: There are powerful arguments that there is no such thing as free will. But people in ordinary life tend to presuppose there is free will when they talk about people deserving good or bad treatment, rewards and punishments. Some kinds of rewards and punishments encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior, so those make sense even if there is no free will. But what about punishments for crimes that are impossible to deter (like crimes of passion) or rewarding talents people can’t choose to have (like Olympic medals or Nobel prizes for science)? Do these practices still make sense if there is no free will? If not, how would it make sense to change our institutions? Our entire mental state is a product of the chemical and physical properties of our neurons at any given time, and changes are produced directly by communications within the central nervous system and between the peripheral and central nervous system. To be astonished at this fact is to underestimate the design complexity and sheer number of neurons present in the body. To assert there is a magical force called free will is unfounded and illogical. Your mind is governed by the same laws which govern all other matter of which you have no control. Free will, however, remains a popular belief mainly because of its connections to religion and the perception of introspection. When we introspect it is easy to convince ourselves that there is something spiritual inside; our mind is spontaneous, indecisive, creative, and often irrational. These qualities are, for the most part, absent in robotics, which supports a widely held belief that they can’t be synthesized. Determinism simply says that the mind can be predicted like a chemical reaction can be predicted; there is nothing special about our minds which hold them above physical laws. The mind is a complicated construct, and its vast number of interactions with the environment makes it impossible to predict. The simplest computer able to accurately model exactly what will occur in the human mind would be as complex as the universe itself. Because one does not have control over the functions inside one’s own brain, and because the functions in the brain determine thought process, no one has control of their thoughts. Determinism raises a number of interesting moral questions. Determinism is an unpopular theory mostly because its conclusion is misunderstood. Determinists can agree on a type of free will, which is simply defined on an individual acting or thinking in a healthy mental state and without influence. Given this situation an individual can be said to be thinking independently. The individual, according to determinists, has no control over his thought process, but he is, by popular definition, using his free will and judgment. Even if it is intangible, the concept is none the less incredibly important. The complete rejection of free will would have devastating consequences. Without free will humans lose responsibility, and without responsibility humans lose justice, which is the purest and most righteous human construct. The theory of determinism uses logic not based on speculation, and as theories come, it is one of the most foolproof. The important question to me is how to go about recognizing the truth of determinism without allowing it to affect life negatively. No one can say for sure whether complete recognition of determinism would be a good or bad, but I believe there is an overwhelming argument that the rejection of the concept of free will would have disastrous consequences. It brings up the interesting question if it is better to know the truth about something if it has negative consequences. Though I believe strongly in determinism, I treat my actions like I have control of them. This attitude is important for my well-being for numerous reasons. If one does not have control one’s thoughts or actions, are rewards and punishments necessary or even beneficial? The answer is yes. A healthy mind needs rewards and punishments in every situation in order to grow and improve. Reinforcements increase the likelihood of an action and punishments tend to decrease the likelihood of an action. Taking away these vital signals in the brain would cause disaster for the psyche. As a child you are constantly being conditioned. It’s the reason you have the gut reaction to think for a second before making a large purchase. It’s also the reason you work hard in school or at a job. Every time you were praised for a good grade or punished for a bad one, it ingrained in your mind what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ which in turn influences your motivation and attitude. The more reinforcement you receive the better conditioned you are to cope with your environment. We don’t, however, learn simply from reinforcements. A lot of trial and error is saved because we can observe others and learn from them. Everyone tries to emulate those who they see being rewarded the most through a conscious or unconscious attraction to their reinforcement. These people are known to us as heroes. Inversely we also tend to try not to be like villains – those who fail to gain rewards or are excessively punished. This is why it is so important for us to reward athletes and scholars, even though they did not exhibit free will. As children, most people aspire to be firefighters, soldiers, astronauts, or police officers. More than other professions, these are people who are presented to kids as heroes. The sole purpose of rewarding heroes might have the trivial goal of rewarding their good deeds, however it also has the noble effect of inspiring others to emulate them. By taking away the benefit of prestige, excellence fails to stand out from mediocrity. In psychology there is a subject called attribution. It is the study of what people attribute their experiences to. Some people blame themselves for things, and therefore are called internal attributers (as opposed to external attributers). If a person believes that their experiences can be manipulated they are called dynamic attributers (as opposed to static attributers). In order to truly believe that your experience is a result of your actions and that you can also change those actions, you must also believe in a form of free will. Without free will you could not change your actions, nor can you be held accountable for them. Psychology has shown that people who attribute their experiences internally and dynamically are less likely to suffer from depression than all other attribution types. In addition to depression many other types of psychological disorders such as mania are thought to be caused by static and external attribution. Free will is a defining theme in the punishment/reform debate dealing with prisons. If free will isn’t real the American prison system should operate solely for the purpose of reform and the isolation of those determined to be a danger to society. Without free will, punishment is trivial except for its uses as a reformation tool and as a deterrent to those thinking of committing a crime. In the case of life in prison or the death sentence there is no possibility for rehabilitation. If a prisoner couldn’t be rehabilitated using a reasonable amount of resources, a determinist may accept the benefits of a life sentence or death penalty. Life sentences and death sentences are considered positive because they keep people who are dangerous isolated from those they could harm, while simultaneously serving as a warning to others to prevent them from committing acts which could prove them dangerous. It is hard, when comparing the life sentence with the death penalty, which is worse. Whichever causes the least harm to the individual in question would be the best option. I personally believe it is more humane to end a human’s life painlessly (and as soon after conviction as possible) than to keep them locked in a cell until they die slowly of disease. It is likely that our ancestors were predisposed to the idea of free will and were favored because of it. The concept of free will gives you more motivation to hand down reinforcement, whether it is positive or negative, to those around you. It also helps you accept reinforcement from others. The concept of free will is a powerful force that keeps societies working correctly. Our entire legal and social system is based on the concept of free will. Everything in society is interlocking, so if we try to change society to fit the new idea that free will is irrelevant we will find inconsistencies and injustice until a solution is found in a stable society not based on the recognition of free will. Societal upheaval would be ridiculous because it wouldn’t accomplish anything. Judgment using free will is second nature to us as humans. When asked about Hitler, a Holocaust survivor, even a determinist one, wouldn’t say, ‘He did terrible things but it wasn’t his fault because he has no control over what happens in his rain. ’ Determinist ideals can only go so far before they become eclipsed by human emotion; therefore it would be ill advised to try to change society to fit the new theory. As you can see, the theory of determinism has many interesting theoretical implications, but very little actual applications. Its theoretical implications could be the most important, however. Combined with nihilism a nd agnosticism, it forms a rounded view of the universe which is grounded in science and reason without confusion from religion or human emotion. I believe that if philosophers can pursue this track of thought, devoid of spirituality and belief, philosophers can finally make progress in finding real answers. Determinism is still widely misunderstood. I was surprised how many of my classmates did not understand even the basic principles after spending time learning about it. The challenge philosophy faces is to present determinism, and other theories like it in a way which people can relate without losing the true meaning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Japanese Dining Etiquette Essay

Remembering your correct manners is very important in Japan, especially concerning the area of dining etiquettes. This applies especially to foreigners, who should try to remember at least the most basic rules†¦ In Japanese meals, it is customary to say ‘itadakimasu’ (‘I gratefully receive’) before your meal, and ‘gochisama deshita’ (‘thank you for the meal’) after you have finished. These traditional phrases are to show your appreciation for the meal, especially when someone cooks for you. The best way to start your meal is with a sip of soup. Then you should eat a little bit of each dish, in a ‘rotation’, until you finish all the dishes at about the same time. Do NOT complete one dish of food before moving onto the next. Remember that if you are eating from communal dishes, it is considered an important etiquette to pick up the food using the opposite end of your chopsticks, or serving chopsticks if any are provided. Do not start drinking until everyone at the table is served, and do not pour any drinks for yourself. This should only be done by others, and naturally, it is also your responsibility to periodically check your friends’ cups and fill them up if they are empty, too. NEVER stick chopsticks into rice standing up, as this is how rice is offered to the dead. If you haven’t already heard, it is perfectly acceptable to slurp your noodles in Japan, as people say it tastes better, and it also shows you are enjoying your meal. Remember that it is considered very rude to burp, blow your nose at the table, and talk about unappetizing topics. Lastly, remember to finish every little grain of rice in your bowl or plate, as rice is considered very precious. Also this shows the chef you appreciate his/her food very much. It is also considered polite to return all plates and dishes back to their original positions, and to place chopsticks back in their paper slips or holders. Bibliography

Monday, July 29, 2019

AMERICAN POLITICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

AMERICAN POLITICS - Essay Example These Justices are nominated by the President, and then the nomination is approved by the Senate. The length of their usual term is as long as they live, under the condition of good behavior. This could mean holding the position for life, wherein they leave office only when they die, choose to retire, resign, or be ousted or impeached by the people. The proposed change in the judicial system poses that the president appoints the justices, and the Senate confirms if the appointment is OK. But the federal judges will only be given a term of ten years, not like of today wherein they can stay as long as they want, unless they die, retire, resign or get impeached. But these judges are also eligible for re-appointment and undergo the same process. The biggest thing that will be changed is the length of time a Justice could be in position. A justice is allowed to be in position for as long as he wishes, provided that he is in good condition of behavior. But with this proposition, it will be changed to only up to ten years, even though he could still be reappointed. This is a big change in the judicial system of the United States, because it has been like this way for many decades already. Even the court is renamed depending on whose term it is, like for example Burger Court, if a certain Justice Burger is on the position of chief justice. Why is this change important? The length of time a justice stays in court is very essential in managing cases. Through this way, we could assure of his competency. Changing justices every ten years is like an evaluation of his performance. If during his term, he did well, it is very likely that he will be reappointed. If he didn’t, well it’s very likely that there will be a new set of Justices waiting for appointment (Becker). The lifelong stay of the federal judges in good condition of behavior has caught attention recently though it has been rarely or not thoroughly discussed way back. Before,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Management - Research Paper Example Several technological advancements have been made in the field of manufacturing affecting the supply chain in different ways. Current application of manufacturing technology in supply chain management and how best the technology can be utilized to improve the supply chain is analyzed in the below discussion. Logistic management is the management of the flow of goods, services and information from source to the desired destination at the lowest possible cost. Through the various stages of transmission, goods and information are faced with various challenges that are a threat to the process. Mismanagement of the logistics can lead to disruption of the supply chain both in the short and the long run. Safety measures in the logistic system determine the effectiveness of the logistic system for a successful supply chain. Among the threats to logistics are increasing with the developments in the market. Risk factors include the unpredictable change in transport and energy costs, higher cost of financing, insolvency of a basic logistic provider, changes in local and international legal requirement and insufficient number of skilled employees in the necessary field (Bielecki & Szymonik 2011) Management of the centralized supply chain is receiving much attention from firms. Firms use customer service measure based on frequency to measure efficiency in the supply chain. The actual measures conducted are the fill rate and stock out rate. These measures indicate the efficiency of the centralized supply chain system. The assumption is that suppliers are able to meet all customer needs and supply the orders as to when required. Advance production is the case with a centralized supply chain to meet customer demand with supply. However, the changes in the market are posing a threat to this system. Given the changes in technology, the supply chain

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Establishing scientific academies and credibility Research Paper

Establishing scientific academies and credibility - Research Paper Example Rhetoric conveying authority Dear’s 1985 account of the establishment of the Royal Society turned on the interplay between rhetoric and authority during this period. He called this period of the emergence of scientific societies between 1650 and 1660 as indicative of the consolidation of the Scientific Revolution. At this time, science practitioners with similar views about scientific inquiry formed groups which â€Å"stand as testimony to a new attitude toward knowledge of nature† (Dear, 1985). The institutionalisation of scientific inquiry was a sign of the changing attitude of society towards the knowledge of nature. The establishment of the Royal Society in particular was the focal point that marked the end of the change process. The new attitude towards the pursuit of natural knowledge was shaped by the disciplines that were established during the Scientific Revolution. The discussion forwards the thesis that early scientific reporting employed rhetoric to convey a uthority pursuant to the convention of the period, which is separate and distinct from the truth discovered in the scientific inquiry itself. ... In his treatise, Dear described a report submitted by Newton in 1666 on a prism experiment, calling it a â€Å"fabrication†. It turned out that the series of experiments were genuine and their results were valid and relevant, but the description of the experiments were cast in a form that made the paper more acceptable for publication. The paper also highlights the contrast between the Old Learning and the New Learning (Rangachari, 1994). The very title of the piece was an ironic play on the motto of the Royal Society. Nullius in Verba was Latin for â€Å"Take nobody’s word for it,† referring to the stringent standards of scientific study. Totius Verba is the opposite, meaning to â€Å"Take everybody’s word for it.† Linguistic style and virtual witnessing. The thesis advanced by Shapin (1984) is that knowledge about reality is shaped by the speech in which such natural reality is couched. The language used is also the key to securing agreement of th e scientific community to the knowledge discovered, and of differentiating the new discoveries from former theories that were accorded mediocre status. Shapin observed that there was a way of communicating that accords a greater credibility to the report than would have otherwise been attributed to it had it been reported in a more regular communicating style. Specific observations were made concerning the effective use of language to convey more than the scientific findings arrived at. For instance, accounts of experiments were replete with rich detail, the purpose of which was to build in the mind of the reader a picture of the execution of an experimental procedure at which they were not physically present to personally witness. Shapin terms this

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Overview of Programming Languages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Overview of Programming Languages - Essay Example The essay "The Overview of Programming Languages" presents a brief history of programming languages and the merits and demerits of communicating with the machine. The History of Programming languages can be dated back to 1954. Ever since the idea of computing through electronic devices evolved, for many a people, it was interesting to develop new ways of automating the devices using a new subject called Programming. And to do this it has to be language that bridges man and machine. This communicating language that bridges man and machine is called â€Å"Programming language†. Today there are more than 2500 languages. Generally, programming languages are tools used to construct formal descriptions of finite computations. Each computation consists of operations that transform a given initial state into some final state. A programming language provides essentially three components for describing such computations: data types, objects, and values with operations defined upon them; rules fixing the chronological relationships among specified operations; rules fixing the structure of a program. These components together constitute the level of abstraction on which we can formulate algorithms with the help of this programming language. A programming language's surface form, that is, how programs are represented to a reader, is its syntax. Programming languages vary widely in this surface form. Most programming languages are textual. They consist of sequences of "words" and "punctuation marks", much like written natural languages.

Ester Synthesis Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ester Synthesis - Lab Report Example Esters are also present in the animal fats and in most of the biological molecules and compounds. The process known for the production of an ester is called Esterification. It can either be formed in organic acids or in inorganic acids. In the organic acids of these esters, the liquids usually have no color, are impartial and have a pleasing smell (Clayden, Greeves, & Warren, 2012). The esters are usually prepared in large amounts for the purpose of saleable use. They are commercially used in perfumes, flavoring and as artificial fruits. Esterification has great importance and tends to perform a number of processes. The main importance of Esterification is to imitate acids such as the carboxylic acids and some groups of compounds or molecules that are considered to be functional. The process involved with Esterification is that of condensing. Example is the carboxyl acids and the hydroxyl alcohol as seen in the experiment. The process condenses these acids and eliminates water. This process is slow and temperatures used are at moderate Celsius. In most of the chemical industries throughout the world, the process of Esterification is used in various fields to perform different set of purposes. One of the purposes is seen in the removers of the nail polishing. The solvent that is used is called ethyl acetate. The amyl nitrite is used for the purpose of asthma treatments. ... There was the use of a reflux condenser and a conical vial container. In the conical vial container, about an ML of alcohol is kept inside the container. A spin vane which is found inside the conical vial is filled with acetic acid of about 1.5 ml. in the same container; about four drops of sulphuric acid were added. The sulphuric acid is concentrated. The equipment that was used was recapped. Inside the tube that was used, dryrite was used. Cotton was also used to make sure that the dryrite was dry and smooth for the experiment. The tube was later fused together with the condenser in a position that the conical vial is set to sit in the sand bath. In the sand bath, a thermometer is used with the view of measuring the temperature of the experiment. To prevent heat retention while the thermometer is in use, an aluminum foil is used as a cover. The reflux condenser is then set in the position of the tap to allow for the movement of water from the condenser. After the flow, the tap is s witched on to allow for the smooth running of water in the experiment. When the temperature inside the sand bath reached 170 degrees Celsius, the process of condensation began to take its roots. While condensation was happening, the temperature was maintained for about 60 minutes. After an hour of refluxing, the condenser, the heat were turned off and the contents inside removed. They were then allowed to cool (Guardia & Garrigues, 2012)Â   The mechanism of the reaction is based on the formation of ethyl ethanoate. In the presence of sulphuric acid, the ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid. The process is considered to be slow and reversible. To prevent for a reverse reaction, the ester is passed through the process of distillation. The steps in the mechanism reaction links with the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

BHS 400 STRESS MANAGEMENT (Module 3-SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BHS 400 STRESS MANAGEMENT (Module 3-SLP) - Essay Example The main learning objective by the participants after this activity is their learning about the importance of deep breathing in stress management. The participants were supposed to command mastery over deep breathing exercise after this class. After a brief description of the importance of stress management, the stress relieving methodology through deep breathing is explained to the class as follows. Deep breathing is the best way of relieving stress because of the simple, procedure involved in it. The various steps involved in deep breathing exercise can be summarised as follows; Exhale through your mouth, pushing out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. The hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little. The participants were asked to do the steps as explained above. The success of this technique lies in how deeply you breathe deeply from the abdomen. Deep breathing will provide excess oxygen which can reduce stress immensely while lack of oxygen may result in anxiety and stress. If the sitting position is not comfortable enough then the participants can be asked, lying on the floor and repeat the activity. It does not have much weakness. The only thing required is you need to concentrate on the breathing technique at least for 10 minutes. Moreover sometimes you need to lie down on floor to consume maximum oxygen. Relieving of stress can be accomplished in simple ways like deep breathing, yoga, relaxation, etc. Most of the stress relieving activities does not need much effort or equipments. Only primary requirement is the readiness of the person in engage in such relieving

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Greek Debt Crisis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Greek Debt Crisis - Assignment Example This paper is inclined towards analyzing the debt crisis of Greek. The debt crisis is considered as an important point for discussion. The countries have to encounter various financial constraints due to the debt crisis. The main reason for the Greek crisis is the weakening of the economic assistance and support. The Greek debt crisis has captured the attention of the people across the world. The main cause of the sovereign Greek debt crisis is due to the failure of the government in repaying of the debt to other countries. Debt has become a burden for Greek. The increase in debt is not only due to the failure of the government in repaying of its debt but also due to the low interest rate that prevailed in the country. The crisis has adversely affected the economy with the decrease in the employment opportunities. The low rate of interest has risen the domestic spending and has increased the rate of inflation. The reliance on borrowing by the Greek government on the international mar ket has led to the emergence of crisis. The crisis has impacted negatively. Since the failure to repay the debt has affected the confidence of the consumers to a large extent. As a result of which the investors will hesitate in investing in this countries and the countries of the world will restrict them from lending to Greece. The rate of debt has rose during the period of 2008 to 2009 as a result of which it has adversely affected the financial performance of the country. The financial debt crisis has affected the country in 2007 and the crisis has continued till the period of 2011. The Greek debt crisis is considered as one of the largest debt crisis of the world as compared to the debt crisis that is encountered by the other countries of the world. The debt crisis has affected all the sectors and segments of the economy to a large extent. The banking sector has been adversely affected (Bitzenis, 2014). The main reason behind

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Risk management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Risk management - Assignment Example The bottlenecks realized during peak hours are quite frustrating and the need for a more convenient solution cannot be understated. The construction of the viaduct, however, comes with its risks and challenges and which must be borne carefully for a successful construction period. The demand for a better transit for the people living in the south of Auckland needs to be considered from all fronts with the risks of seismic performance, load capacity and environmental conditions being carefully considered. As part of the risk management outlook, the report herein will look at some of the attributes that the government and the construction companies ought to look out for in dealing with the construction of the NGA newmarket viaduct and how these risks can be mitigated or minimized. Categories As an agency, identifying and categorizing the possible risks and evaluating how important they are in the overall construction of the Newmarket Viaduct is essential. The categories will be discuss ed under four distinct provisions. The first risk is the operational risk. This is where the construction company has to look for alternatives that could cost the company due to improper process implementation and how system failure would affect the operations within the company and during the construction period. ... The company has to look for a better way of ensuring that the project does not fail in any way nor does it stall due to some attributes that could easily be sorted out through better planning (Flyvbjerg, Nils, and Werner, 2003). The third attributed risk category is that of a budget deficit risk. Wrong estimates coupled with changing financial prospects in the world could hamper the proper completion and adherence to the budget provisions available. This risks stalling the project since the government must get a clear picture as to why they have to add more money to a project that they had completely financed according to their initial estimates (Flyvbjerg, Holm and Buhl, 2002). The other type of risk is the quality and process risk where the company is wary of making blunders during its construction period (Cox, 2002). The issue of quality especially on a public system is important and requires that each guideline to be used is tailored to meet expected results. As a matter of fact, opening the area around the viaduct is paramount and proper construction coupled with timely delivery of the project will open up the south and give the people the quality they aspire to. By working on these categories, the company will ensure that the people of Auckland receive that which they desire and that which is greater and better quality than what they have at the moment. Risk identity and response Operational risk The first risk that had to be courted was the operational risk. This is the risk that played the greatest role in shaping the way the construction of the Newmarket Viaduct would be conducted. Risk identity: Priority had to be given to the most essential resources and provide continuity despite the delays that would result

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ecological Theory and Beautification Essay Example for Free

Ecological Theory and Beautification Essay The ecological theory in criminology maintains that the physical environment where people are situated influences certain human behaviors. The theory has its scientific advantages and disadvantages when compared to the process of â€Å"beautification,† which is the process of visually improving a city or town specifically one that is situated in an urban area. For the most part, the assertions of the ecological theory are not significantly dependent on the dominant ethnic group living in a particular area, thereby suggesting that the findings of the theory do not depend on subjective human relations but rather on the physical environment where they are located. It has a scientific advantage in the sense that it avoids the problems brought about by the relative circumstances of exactly who are living within the area. On the other hand, its disadvantage is that its findings—high crime rates with respect to social disorganization—can fluctuate between being a cause or an effect. In a sense, high crime rates can result to social disorganization and, similarly, social disorganization can lead to high crime rates. Relying on the physical environment in interpreting human behaviors is also problematic because doing so does not explain why some people in such areas commit certain crimes while others in the same areas do not. Beautification, however, is a relatively more stable theory than the ecological theory because, for example, urban beautification schemes through evictions are meant to address high crime rates and not the other way around. The ecological theory puts great emphasis on the fact of living within certain zones in an area as a primary reason for certain rates of crime. An earlier study conducted by Shaw and McKay (2006) in 1942 suggests that the Zone 2 of an area contain more crime rates than any of the other zones primarily because this zone does not have a settled community to begin with which, in effect, prevents the institutionalization of clear moral guidelines. In effect, the study in particular and the theory in general indicate that, regardless of those who settled in any of these zones, the behavior of the settlers as well as the rate of crime will have to depend on the corresponding zones. This argument is particularly interesting because it leaves the interpretation of human behavior on the physical environment instead on the people under study. According to Lowman (1986), there is the tendency to make unjust selections in using â€Å"criminological theory in developing geographic perspectives on crime† (p. 81). If that is the case, ecological theory as applied to criminology faces the greatest disadvantage—the disadvantage of arriving at biased results. Worse, the distinction between the causes and the effects of criminal activities may become blurred due to the tendency to not become objective. High crime rate can become a flexible factor, becoming a cause on one hand with social disorganization as its effect and becoming an effect on one hand with social disorganization as its cause on another. In fact, a separate study finds that there is no necessary connection between social class and crime and that more is yet to be understood in these two distinct concepts (Tittle, 1983). From the perspective of ecological theory, areas are divided into zones and these zones are occupied by more or less the same people in terms of social class, hence social stratification in the physical environment. If there is no apparent connection between social class and the types of crimes committed by people in any of the prevailing social classes, there remains the difficulty of further asserting that there is an apparent link between the physical environment and the rate of crimes in the different zones. Thus, the main disadvantage of using ecological theory in interpreting human behavior within the confines of certain zones is that it uses a shaky foundation. More specifically, the theory does not address the inconsistencies between those who commit certain crimes within a specific zone from those who do not commit any crime at all. The main question is: why do some people in Zone 2 commit theft, for instance, while some others do not? It appears that the physical environment does not hold a firm solution to the task of explaining human behavior. Nevertheless, another study reaffirms the assertion of the ecological theory. In a study conducted by Tita, Cohen and Engberg (2005), it was found out that small gangs operate within select areas especially in urban slum locations, suggesting that in some cases the ecological theory may hold true. In order to address the problem, it may be argued that urban beautification be taken into consideration such as demolishing structures in slum areas and replacing them with visually pleasing structures. The advantage of adopting this measure is that it can literally remove the physical environment where these small gangs thrive. As a result, a portion of the area is altered and cleansed, in a manner of speaking, which is a faster solution than the possible solutions that can be taken from the ecological theory. A disadvantage of applying the ecological theory in providing a solution to the problem of small gangs is that it requires sufficient time and firm policies. For instance, the ecological theory may suggest that the income in these slum areas should be raised through specialized government programs and the law enforcement be made more stringent. While the solutions taken from the ecological theory are certainly needed, they call for serious implementation and consistent follow-up on their development. On the other hand, the disadvantage of adopting the beautification solution through eviction is that it raises ethical concerns. It is a quick fix that carries several moral consequences, chief of them humanitarian reasons. Both the ecological theory and the process of beautification have their corresponding advantages and disadvantages. The challenge is not to find which one is generally better than the other but to determine which one applies best to a particular instance. Certain objections may be raised against either approaches, but they nevertheless remain significant methods in understanding certain types of human behavior such as criminal activities. References Lowman, J. (1986). Conceptual Issues in the Geography of Crime: Toward a Geography of Social Control. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 76(1), 81-94. Shaw, C. R. , McKay, H. D. (2006). Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas: A Study of Rates of Delinquents in Relation to Differential Characteristics of Local Communities in American Cities. Oxfordshire: Taylor Francis. Tita, G. E. , Cohen, J. , Engberg, J. (2005). An Ecological Study of the Location of Gang â€Å"Set Space†. Social Problems, 52(2), 272-299. Tittle, C. R. (1983). Social Class and Criminal Behavior: A Critique of the Theoretical Foundation. Social Forces, 62(2), 334-358.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reception of Video Art in Galleries

Reception of Video Art in Galleries Critically examine the notion that the reception of video art is strongly affected by being seen in an art gallery situation Introduction Video art began as an avant-garde movement that challenged the very nature of art in the 1960’s and 1970’s with the likes of Nam June Paik, Bruce Nauman and Stuart Marshall. These artists created powerful pieces in response to the mainstream explosion of cinema and television, and as a challenge to the traditional artistic forms of painting and sculpture. The artists helped to bring art closer to the general public and relieved artists of the need to create specific objects. However, as technology has grown and video art has become more popular, it has moved from the fringes of art to the mainstream setting of the art gallery.[1] Before this the art gallery was a place for traditional forms of art such as painting and sculpture. One of the most interesting topics of discussion regarding video art is how this move into art galleries has changed the reception to video art. It is argued that the reception of video art is strongly affected by being seen in an art gallery si tuation. The aim of this essay is to critically examine this claim, and see how the setting of video art affects the perception of such art. This will be done by look at how setting influences artistic reception, looking at the reception of video art in gallery settings and other settings, and also how the medium of video art itself can influence the gallery experience. Influence of setting on art There are a number of studies and theories regarding the influence of setting on art and artistic reception in various mediums. It is clear that within video art the addition of a gallery setting would change the nature of the art itself. The earliest forms of video art were all on single screens outside of the art gallery setting, and the works were very much of a particular moment in time and had a fairly short lifespan as artistic pieces.[2] However, as video art moved into a gallery setting it merged with other forms of art to create the video installation. This meant the video art was now based in an environment – embedded in a particular time and space. This gave a physical aspect to vide art that had not previously been seen, and has had a major influence on the genre. Installation art is now one of the most common forms of video art, particularly in a gallery setting as it allows video artists to experiment in more ways than ever before. [3] This has meant that video art has merged into other genres, and become part of a larger multi-media, multi-form type of art rather than being a type of visual art on its own. The nature of galleries means that purely video art is being replaced with installation art as it has a more physical presence than traditional video art that was the antithesis of traditional physical art. [4]Another factor worth considering is the psychological aspect of reception towards art in a certain setting. Art that is viewed within a gallery setting may well be seen as more ‘respectable’ and ‘valuable’ than art seen in other settings, but it may also be seen as more ‘traditional’ and constrained than art outside of a gallery setting. There seems to be little research on this particular point, but the researcher supposes that this sort of difference in reception could be possible. Another factor with video art is that the setting of the art might determine how the art is created in itself. Video artists see their projects almost as their children, and therefore want it shown in a particular way as it was intended. If a video art piece was intended to be spontaneous and viewed in a casual setting, then a gallery viewing of such a piece may limit its effectiveness, or even possibly change its meaning altogether.[5] The reception of video art in a gallery setting Video art in a gallery setting is often received differently to how it might be received in a non-gallery setting. Video art in a gallery and video art in another setting may be the separation between what is known as ‘art’ and what is simply known as ‘media’ or ‘television’. The move of video art into the gallery setting has supported its claim to be a mainstream art form. This validation of video art, merely by being seen in an art gallery setting has moved it away from the medium of television and towards the concept of philosophical aesthetics. This is a major shift in the reception of video art from simply a popular culture medium to a valid and critical artistic medium.[6] Another way to look at it is that perhaps the reception of video art is not changed within a gallery setting, but that the actual form of the video art is in fact changed within the gallery setting. Rather than being video art in the form of tape, video art in a gallery setting is either in the form of a live video performance or as an art installation combined with other physical forms of art such as architecture, sculpture, or other interactive multi-media forms. The only way to really determine this is by viewing art exhibitions in both a gallery and non-gallery setting to see if the reception has indeed changed. However, at this point there is very little research on this area as most art pieces are created for one specific setting rather than multiple settings. Therefore, it seems more likely that in many cases the reception of the art is not influenced by setting, but the creation of the art itself is influenced by the setting it is to be placed in.[7] The biggest change perhaps is that video art has moved from the single-screen, non site-specific form to the site-specific installation form. In the original single screen form, which is close to the medium of television, then the gallery setting is unlikely to alter the reception of the art piece. This is because the piece is setting-neutral and will be interpreted individually by each person regardless of setting. However, the form of video art in galleries today is generally installation art, which is site-specific. The art has been created with a specific setting in mind, surrounded by other art forms. In this case the reception of the art would be changed in different settings, but it is unlikely that a site-specific piece would be viewed outside of a gallery or its specific setting.[8] Influence of video art on the gallery experience Video art has been influenced by the gallery setting in its creation more than its specific reception, but video art and other multi-media art has also influenced the gallery experience and changed the way in which art can be perceived. The placement of video art and other multi-media art forms within galleries has challenged the nature of what ‘art’ is and has changed the nature of a gallery. Before this, art in galleries was limited to paintings and sculptures, and therefore the definition of ‘art’ was concerned with things that hung on walls or sat on pedestals. Video art added a completely new element to the gallery space and changed the gallery experience itself. The previous ‘empty space’ in the gallery was now utilized as a part of the artistic framework rather than merely somewhere to display objects. The empty gallery becomes a place for performance and ideas in itself, and space became just as important as the objects within the galler y.[9] Art shifted from the premise of ‘art as object’ to one of ‘art as idea and action’. This not only changed the way in which galleries were seen, but also changed the nature of video art by putting it firmly in the realm of ‘acceptable’ art rather than merely a part of popular culture. It helped to separate video art from the medium of television, drawing a distinct line between the two. It also helped video art to merge into other art forms, and for other forms of art to embrace the influence of video.[10] Furthermore, the acceptance of video art influence the gallery experience by letting other newer formats over the last few years to infiltrate the once sacred gallery space. Computer visuals, Internet exhibits and even live musical and dramatic performance are now part of the gallery experience in many places – something that would have been almost unheard of 30 or 40 years ago.[11] Finally, the acceptance of video art in a gallery setting has influenced the way in which new galleries are designed and laid out. Rather than simply having traditional spaces for paintings and sculptures, new gallery designs incorporate larger areas for performance, installation art and other multi-media art forms. The influence of video art on the gallery experience is perhaps just as strong as the influence of the gallery setting on video art.[12] Conclusion The notion that the reception of video art is strongly influenced by the gallery setting is somewhat misleading. Whilst there is clear evidence that the genre of video art has been massively influenced by the gallery reception, this is more to do with the creation of art rather than its reception. Of course, its reception in terms of its acceptance and standing within the artistic community and amongst the general public has been heightened by its introduction into the gallery setting. However, the major change has been in the move from site-neutral, single screen video art to larger, multi-media installations that incorporate video art and are often site-specific within the gallery setting. Conversely, video art has a significant effect on the gallery experience. It has changed the nature of what constitutes art and what a gallery should look like, as well as pave the way for other newer forms of art to be accepted within the gallery setting. Over the last thirty or forty years, the acceptance of video art into the gallery setting has changed both the way in which video art is commonly created, as well as change the way the gallery setting as a whole is viewed and used. Bibliography Balagopal, R., 2005. Installation Art. (Online). Available at: (Accessed 11th August 2008). Bruce, B.C., 2000. The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy, 44(1), p. 66. Carter, C.L., 1979. Aesthetics, Video Art and Television. Leonardo, 12(4), pp. 289-293. Elwes, C., Neshat, S., and University of the Arts London., 2005. Video Art : A Guided Tour. London: I.B. Tauris. Hanhardt, J.G., Villasenor, M.C., 1995. Video/Media Culture of the Late Twentieth Century. Art Journal, 54(4), pp. 20-25. Lisus, N.A., and Ericson, R.V., 1999. Authorizing Art: The Effect of Multimedia Formats on the Museum Experience. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 36(2), p. 199+. London, B., 1996. Video Spaces. Performing Arts Journal, 18(3), pp. 14-19. Lovejoy, M., 2004. Digital Currents: Art in the Electronic Age. New York: Routledge. McCarthy, K.F., and Ondaatje, E.H., 2002. From Celluloid to Cyberspace: The Media Arts and the Changing Arts World. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Millard, R., 2005. Notebook: Buying Video Art Is Not at All Simple. Artists Sell to Who They like, and Dictate How the Work Is Shown. New Statesman, 134(4730), p. 41. Phelan, A., 1984. The Impact of Technology and Post Modern Art on Studio Art Education. Art Education, 37(2), pp. 30-36. Suderburg, E., 2000. Space, Site, Intervention: Situating Installation Art. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Footnotes [1] Elwes, C., Neshat, S., and University of the Arts London., 2005, pp. ix-x [2] London, B., 1996, p. 14. [3] Hanhardt, J.G., Villasenor, M.C., 1995, pp. 20-21 [4] Balagopal, R., 2005. [5] Millard, R., 2005. [6] Carter, C.L., 1979, p 289. [7] Carter, C.L., 1979, p. 290 [8] Suderburg, E., 2000, pp. 2-14 [9] Phelan, A., 1984, pp. 30-33 [10] Lovejoy, M., 2004, pp. 101-103 [11] McCarthy, K.F., and Ondaatje, E.H., 2002, pp. 53-54 [12] Lisus, N.A., and Ericson, R.V., 1999, pp. 199-201

Historical Background Of Lokoja Environmental Sciences Essay

Historical Background Of Lokoja Environmental Sciences Essay If a legal institution has life, it is delivered when an urge for public discipline begins to overtake events SALVATORE .J.NATOLI. Zoning was born out of such a concern for the unplanned and undisciplined growth of cities, zoning has become almost as ubiquitous as cities themselves. Over time, and through past prudent land planning decisions, thats the topographic organization of the campus has influenced the location of various campus functions. Though the sectors are interrelated, each has unique characteristics and specific planning priorities. A successful university campus embraces the physical context in which it resides, understands the various forces that shape its edges and mould its core, and incorporates community representation and constituencies into its planning processes. Land use zoning for institutions has been seen in the past to foster successful interactions with all who use it and simultaneously convey unity in its visual appearance with a sense of adventure and discovery. University should be cohesive in its organization while remaining open and inviting at its perimeter. By zoning, the environment communicates the importance of university in our society through its unique sense of place and academic traditions and provides the critical con tinuity between the past and future. University should convey a sense of dignity while celebrating the nobleness of its purpose. In supporting the basic missions of the university and providing a variety of venues for numerous events and other activities, the distinctive qualities of the physical environment are meant to provide an atmosphere conducive to intellectual discovery and interaction as well as repose and contemplation. A well planned campus should promote curiosity, discovery, and inspiration. The interest for this study is to balance the needs of Federal University Lokoja. Studies have shown that the initial visual impression of a campus has notable influence on prospective students when making decisions about attending a university. Perceptions of the campus environment depend on the qualities of the landscape, buildings, and the spaces between them. The research study intends to look on how land use zoning contribute in providing mechanism for the coherency of purpose and direction, which will result into an efficient, safe, and visually attractive campus environment with a view to convey and celebrate a sense of arrival for members of the campus community as well as for visitors. The role of land use zoning in improving the qualities of the physical environment of an institution, as a unity of visual character, a unique sense of place, and the activities that are encompassed on the main campus , which will provide an exceptional asset to the city, the region, and Nigeria as a whole. The contribution of higher education institutions to regional development is a theme which has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Currently, it is expected that the role of the institutions is not only to conduct education and research, but also play an active role in the development of their economic, social and cultural surroundings. In view of this, land use zoning for Federal University Lokoja permanent site cannot be compromised. This study attempt to make a proposal of land use zoning of permanent site of the Federal University Lokoja using map produce with the use of geographical information system and computer aided design to harmonize the activities of land use in the institution in order to mitigate the spillover effect of the existing land uses in the surrounding environment. 1.2 Statement of problems As population and human aspirations increase, land use zoning for institutional uses is seen as an important tool to mitigate the negative effects of land use and to enhance the efficient use of resource with minimal impact on future generations. An effective zoning system promotes the future of physical development of a University which makes it to be sympathetic and respectful of the residents, business establishments, and other interests that surround it. Due to the dire urge for a rapid development, the Kogi State Government through the Ministry of Environment and Physical Development now Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development empowered the Ministry to embark on the preparation of various Layout plans and Planning Scheme. This is to address critical planning issues in Lokoja, like housing supply for both private and public use or acquisition, provision of office accommodations, through the identification of land area that are most suitable for such needs. Hence the resultant Layout plan and planning schemes spread across the metropolis. However, some of the planning schemes have either been distorted or abandoned due to the fact that most of the basic infrastructural facilities such as roads, drainages, electricity supply e.t.c within these schemes are left unaddressed. Due to the rapid urban growth of the town, there are many un-planned rural-urban fringe within Lokoja. This un-controlled land use has resulted in illegal construction of houses and construction on drainage channels and other areas not fit for residential construction. This is common in places like Felele, Adankolo and SarikinNoma areas among others. The stress can be displayed on the traffic congestion usually along the Okene-Abuja Express road; this congestion is associated with the already existing Kogi State Polytechnic and Lokoja International Market. The road over the years has become too narrow, with no space enough for cars to pull off the road (i.e., park) and the space for pedestrian (walk way) is almost disappearing. This congestion is further compounded when luxurious buses and tankers travel through the roads which also house the permanent site of the Federal University. Noise pollution is a major factor in the study area due to the quarry activities carried out along the Crusher Village by the Gitto Construction Company. They create a lot of negative impact on the environment due to the effect of blasting of rock by the Company. Disturbance in various forms is associated with this zone and makes the environment unfriendly. As a result of the impact highlighted above, these call for concern in order to mitigate the spillover effect of the land uses associated with the surrounding environment of the institution. 1.3 Aim and Objectives Aim The aim of this study is to prepare a proposed land use zoning plan for Federal University Lokoja permanent site in order to mitigate the spillover effect of the existing land uses. Objectives The objectives of the study include the following, To ensure that the proposed land use zoning fit in with existing situation of the site and the surrounding environment. Make provision for future development that will key in into the aim and objectives of establishing the institution. Integrating the four categories of land uses relating to an institution (the civic administrative core, the academic zone, the student residential zone and the staff residential zone) to be functionally efficient and logically organized in accommodating a variety of needs and users. Make recommendation that will enhance the functionality of the institution regarding to the proposed land use zoning. 1.4 Scope of study The scope of this project is to prepare a proposed land use zoning for Federal University Lokoja permanent site, located along Okene-Abuja Road Felele covering the entire area and integrating the four categories of land uses relating to an institution (the civic administrative core, the academic zone, the student residential zone and the staff residential zone).In order to make recommendation that is aimed at improving the growth and development of the institution, the study shall be limited to the permanent site of Federal university of Lokoja which falls within 16km radius of Lokoja with a total land area of 798.52 Hectares. 1.5 Justification There are significant reasons why this research is justifiable, the point of call is to serve as a guideline to those involved directly or indirectly with the development of campus. The institution being newly established, different proposals will spring up as to what the institution would look like in terms of planning. In view of this, a proposed land use plan for the permanent site of the university will go a long way in guiding the institution as to what kind of land use zoning pattern in terms of planning the institution would like, broaden their horizon as to what facilities and services, is suitable for a particular area and what are the prospect of sitting it there. This research will go a long way in addressing issues regarding to land use zoning for institutions, due to the fact that most institution are usually faced with following zoning problems that includes, what type of land use zoning is required, is it adequate to address the requirement, is there a system for land use zoning, is it aimed at reducing risk while accommodating future growth and what is the institutional mechanism for implementation of zoning. 1.6 The study area 1.6.1 Historical background of Lokoja Lokoja is one of the ancient towns in Nigeria. The town assumed metropolitan status from pre-independence days, harboring many Nigeria ethnic groups. It is both the administrative and commercial capital of Kogi state, the most centrally located state in Country. The state is located between Latitude 70 47 N and Longitude 60 46E.Wth an annual growth rate of 2.5% raised the population by 1996 to 49,258. The original settlers of Lokoja were the Bassa-Nge arriving in 1831 and followed by the Oworos in 1970, Akamisoko (2002). Since then, different ethnic groups have peopled the town. The present Lokoja comprises of, in addition to the Bassa-Nges and Oworos, the EgbirraKoton, Hausa and several Nupe language groups, Kakanda, Kupa and Egan. Other Nigerian ethnic groups found in Lokoja include Yoruba, Igbo, Tiv and Igala as well as, many slave aborigines of Sierra Leone origin (being a former slave depot); Alaci (2009), Lokoja is therefore cosmopolitan in nature. The socio-political prominence of Lokoja dates back to the 18th century British exploration, culminating in the arrival of Williams Balfour Balkie to the Lokoja in 1860. Lokoja has since been an important commercial settlement which compose of liberated Africans, immigrant settlers and indigenous populations who were encouraged to move down the top of mount Patti, thus Lokoja was transformed from a transit trading point to a viable commercial center for European firms in the early 1860s. The ancient town was originally ceded in 1841 to the British by the Attah [King] of Igala and was selected to be the first British Consulate in the interior (1860-1869) and subsequently, the Military headquarters for Sir George Goldies Royal Niger Company (1886-1900). With this status, the town witnessed an upsurge of diverse ethnic groups who settled in Lokoja to exploit the benefits acquired from European activities. Lokoja therefore, became a melting pot for a collection of diverse ethnic groups. Lokojas fame however, began to decline in 1904 when its military headquarters status was moved to Zungeru, which was further north but was restored when Lokoja became capital of the British Northern protectorate and remained a convenient administrative town for the British colonial government after the amalgamation of Northern and southern protectorate into one nation called Nigeria in 1914. The first Governor General, Lord Frederick Lugard therefore ruled the new nation of Nigeria from Lokoja. Formerly the capital of Kabba province, it was later a Divisional and Local Government Headquarter in Kwara State. Lokoja remained part of Kwara State up to 1991. During these periods several layout plans were prepared to suit Lokojas status and most of these plans were known as Town planning Schemes (TPS) or layout plans (LP).Preparation of the schemes was centered on areas known as Government Reserved Area (GRA), where most top government officials and Europeans lived. By the 27th of August 1991, the status of Lokoja was boosted when new states were created and Lokoja became the capital of the new Kogi state. This necessitated the enacting of an edict declaring Lokoja Metropolitan Area; this was put at 16km radius around the town centre marked by the General post office as the centre of the radius. C:UsersbilyyPicturesloja.PNG FIG 1.1; MAP OF NIGERIA SHOWING KOGI STATE (source: internet) C:UsersbilyyPicturesloja2.PNG FIG 1:2: MAP OF KOGI STATE SHOWING LOKOJA L/GOVERNMENT (source: internet) 1.6.2 Geography of Lokoja Climate: The site has a tropical climate that comprises of two season namely dry and wet seasons. The wet seasons starts from the month of April and ends in October, while the dry season starts from November and continues till March. The two seasons are affected by the south-westerly winds coming from the Atlantic Ocean and north-easterly winds which come from the Sahara Desert. Another weather phenomenon (micro climate) is associated with the presence of inselbergs. This feature exerts an influence on local weather greater than their size. Wind Dust: Two major air masses dominate the climate of the study area. These are the Tropical Maritime air mass and the Tropical continental air mass. The Tropical Maritime is formed over the Atlantic Ocean to the South of the country and is therefore warm and moist. It moves inland generally in a South-West to North-East direction. The Tropical Continental air mass is developed over the Sahara Desert and is therefore warm and dry and blows in the opposite direction, (north-east to south-west). The oscillation between these two air masses produces high seasonal characteristics of weather conditions in the country. The Tropical Continental air mass is associated with the dry season and the Tropical Maritime air mass creates wet season. Rainfall:s There are two seasons, dry and wet; the dry season lasts between October and April in each year while the wet season lasts between May and September. The annual average rainfall ranges between 1000 mm and 1500 mm while the mean annual humidity is about 70%. Humidity and Temperature: The highest temperatures in the study area always tend to occur at the end of the dry season close to the spring equinox. Thus March has the highest temperature of about 34.5o C , while the lowest temperature occur in the middle of the dry season in December/January, when outgoing radiation is encouraged by low humidity, clear skies and longer nights. The temperature at this time falls as low as 22.8o C. In the dry season there is a decrease in relative humidity from south to north in the study area caused by the higher elevation in the north. In the rainy season, this variation disappears and associated with the high relative humidity is an extensive cloud cover over the region. Geology: The geology are dominated largely by rocks of basement complex which consists of the varied assemblage of coarse grained porphynitic granites, dissected by pegamateric dykes and reins, iolite-horn which has undergone varied degrees of metamorphosis. Vegetation: The vegetation of the study area falls within the Guinea Savanna belt of Nigeria. This vegetation type has many variants, affecting both the floristic diversity and the structural appearance of the plant communities. Equally, there are several Forest Reserves in the study area and some of the notable economic trees that can be found in the reserves include Iroko, Mahogany and Obeche. Human activities have however altered drastically the natural vegetation especially in the central zone where urbanization and mining activities predominate. Since Lokoja became an administrative headquarters of Kogi state in 1991, it has been experiencing an explosive population increase which had also led to expansion with significant changes in its physical landscape-land use cover types over the years. The built-up area, vacant land, cultivated land and other land use types increased in the study area at the expense of vegetation cover. For example in 1987, the vegetal cover was about 42. 21km2 and by 2005, it had reduced to 8.41km2. (Alaci and Amujabi). Soil: The soil within the study area is mostly loamy having composition of silt, sand and clay. The surrounding hilly area like Mount Patti is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks belonging to the basement complex. Out of this majority is composed of mica-schist gneisses and Meta sediments. Weathering of these materials from the plateau gives them a thin soil cover that is being washed down by erosion to give medium aggregates particularly desired by the building/ construction industries. Topography: The dominant physical features of the study area in the western axis are largely mountains coupled with a number of intermittent valleys and rivers crossing the breadth of the subject area. Mount Patti which is the highest point has a height of about 458 meters above sea level and gently reduces in height till it reaches river Niger at the height of 45 meters above sea level. On the other hand, the territory on the East of river Niger is relatively flat but perforated by the presence of low leveled rocks and tributary rivers to rivers Niger and Benue. 1.6.3 History of Federal University Lokoja (FUL)  ¹ Federal university Lokoja was established along with other eight new Federal Universities on the 16th of February, 2011 following a pronouncement by President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to cater for the increasing demand in the Educational sector. Soon afterwards, a vice chancellor and Registrar in the persons of Professor Abdulmumini Hassan Rafindadi and Mrs. HabibaAnavozaAdeiza were appointed. The university is sited at Lokoja, the capital city of Kogi State of Nigeria, in the North central political zone. The motto of the university sic itur ad astra, this Latin phrase means THE SKY IS THE LIMIT. The University presently have two faculties running, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences with five degree awarding courses: Economics, English and Literary Studies, Geography, History, and Political Science and Faculty of sciences with six degree awarding courses: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics and Physics, with a total of 443 students for the first matriculation for 2012/2013 academic session starting with 185 staff. Presently the total staff strength of the University is hard to define due to the series of interview still going on for employment at different levels. With the temporary site located within Lokoja city centre at Adankolo and the permanent site recently allocated along Okene- Abuja Road Felele. C:UsersbilyyDocumentshope.jpg FIG 1:3 GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE SHOWING PERMANENT SITE(FUL)  ¹, EXISTING LAND USE AND RELIEF FEATURES C:UsersbilyyPictureshi.PNG FIG 1:4; DIGITIZED MAP OF LOKOJA SHOWING THE LOCATION OF PERMANENT SITE (FUL)  ¹ Definition of Terms Spillover: Seen as the side effect of existing land uses of an area. Effect: A changed state occurring as a direct of action by somebody or something else. (FUL)  ¹: Federal University of Lokoja. CHAPTER TWO 2.0: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter reviews some of the recent literature on land use zoning for institutional uses with particular attention to the ways in which it has contributed to the development of institutional vision and transformation. This chapter will be organized as follow, the conceptual framework while the second will talk about literature review. 2.2.0 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.2.1 Euclidean Zoning The term Euclidean Zoning  refers to the conventional mechanism of applying different regulations to parcels of land by creating districts that segregate land into various classes of uses such as residential, commercial, and industrial. A zoning ordinance based on Euclidean Zoning specifies for each class of uses, called zoning districts, activities permitted as a use by right and those activities permitted conditionally by obtaining a special use permit from the local government. Typically, in a residential district only single or multi-family residences are allowed as a use by right, whereas only retail and office uses are allowed in a commercial district. Euclidean Zoning is a nickname derived from the 1926 U.S. Supreme Court decision in  Village of Euclid (Ohio) v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926), which affirmed the validity of comprehensive zoning. Thus, the term refers to the city where a challenge to the legality of zoning first resulted in the affirmation of zoning as a valid police power of local government. Euclidean zoning, like all forms of zoning, runs with the land, not the owner. That means when a property is sold the zoning of the property does not change. The new owner is subject to the same class of allowable uses for the property as the previous owner. Any special conditions, such as variances or special use permits, still apply and the new owner does not need to get reauthorization for the use. A Euclidean zoning ordinance is comprised of a zoning map and a schedule of regulations in text form. The zoning map depicts the zoning district that applies to each parcel of land in the community. The specific regulations that apply to a particular zoning district are then explained in the text of the zoning ordinance. Under Euclidean zoning, the use of private land is the activity that is principally regulated, followed by the regulation of the density of structural development, and the dimensions or bulk of buildings on lots. Specific regulations typically found in a Euclidean zoning ordinance include the use of the property, minimum parcel size, minimum size of structures on the property, maximum height of structures, minimum setback of structures from property lines, and maximum lot coverage of structures, among others. Euclidean zoning  regulates development through land use classifications and dimensional standards. Typical land use classifications are single-family residential, multi-family residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and recreational. Each land use must comply with dimensional standards that regulate the height, bulk and area of structures. These dimensional standards typically take the form of setbacks, side yards, height limits, minimum lot sizes, and lot coverage limits. The traditional planning goals associated with  Euclidean zoning  are providing for orderly growth, preventing overcrowding of land and people, alleviating congestion, and separating incompatible uses (such as insuring that a noisy factory cannot be built near a residential neighborhood). 2.2.2 Performance Zoning Performance zoning uses performance standards to regulate development. Performance standards are zoning controls that regulate the effects or impacts of a proposed development or activity on the community, instead of separating uses into various zones. The standards often relate to a sites development capability. In agricultural areas, for example, performance zoning could be used to limit development on prime agricultural soils and allow development on lower quality soils. Performance zoning is closely tied to the planning process because the local government must identify planning goals and then write regulations that specifically achieve those goals. Performance zoning is often used in industrial zoning to control impacts such as noise, odors, smoke, and other side effects from industrial activity. Performance zoning is an alternative to traditional land use zoning. Whereas traditional land use zoning  specifies what uses  land can be put to within specified districts, performance zoning  specifies the intensity  of land use that is acceptable. In other words, it deals not with the use of a parcel, but the performance of a parcel and how it impacts surrounding areas. A key goal of zoning codes is to limit conflicting and incompatible uses. Traditional  Euclidean zoning  does this by regulating land use and bulk.  Performance zoning, however, regulates the effects  or impact of land uses through performance standards. Performance standards usually concern traffic flow, density, noise and access to light and air. Developers can build almost any building that meets the performance standards for that district. Therefore,  performance zoning  allows for a great deal of flexibility. This level of flexibility makes it a very useful tool. 2.2.3 THE RELEVANCE OF THE THEORIES TO THIS STUDY Looking at the potential spillover effect of the adjacent land uses with the existing opposite uses of Federal University Lokoja, such conflicts need to be remedied or minimized through land use zoning. These theories provide guidelines in mitigating the effect of traffic and other external effects such as noise associated with the surrounding of the campus through the use of standards to ensure adequate Landscaping, buffering, and screening to minimize the negative effects. 2.2.4 Advantages of the theory Protect and preserve natural features in the environment by evaluating the directly the impact. Promote public health and safety. Manage traffic. Provide for more orderly development and density. 2.3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.3.1 Spillover effect and the Environmental Quality of an institution Externalities Spillover effects of land use for which initiator is not held accountable (traffic congestion; run off; smoke, gases, and particle emissions; noise; urban sprawl; disorderly extension of urban infrastructure) (Katherine Mau, Real estate principle, chapter 5). Advocates of environmental protection express exasperation with local decisions that permit developments whose adverse effects spillover to the rest of the region (Reilly, 1973). This gives rise to at least two issues. The first has it that competition among municipalities for commercial and industrial property will create a race to the bottom in environmental quality, causing the environment of both the community and its region to be degraded. The second issue concerns itself with relations between the community and its immediate neighbors. It is commonly asserted that communities pursue a beggar thy neighbor policy by zoning land on municipal borders for such unlovely uses as landfills, shopping centers, sewage plants and industrial parks. Because such policies may invite retaliation, the story goes; beggar they neighbor also reduces the quality of the regional environment. I shall treat them in reverse order. The ratio of evidence to assertion of the beggar-thy-neighbor idea is re markably small. Sewage plants are, by casual observation, often close to municipal borders, but that is most likely because water runs downhill. The least costly place to put such a plant is at the lowest point in the community, and that is often the point at which a river leaves the jurisdiction and enters another. (As I tell my undergraduates, if it were practicable to require municipalities to take in drinking water downstream and release sewage in the same river upstream, each community would have the optimal incentives to treat its sewage. For less fanciful, common-law approaches to disputes among municipal neighbors, see Ellickson, 1979.) But it is worth unpacking this proposition because of the light it may shed on intercommunity relations and their consequences for environmental issues. Imposing unilateral costs on ones immediate, permanent neighbors is perhaps one of the least profitable activities in the world, as any homeowner knows. The reason is that one has to live for a long time with such neighbors and, over the long run; there will be many opportunities for the neighbor to retaliate. The retaliation at the municipal level could be unfavorable treatment along other borders, but it more likely would be lack of cooperation in other inters municipal activities. They include mutual aid agreements for fire and police protection, cooperation for specialized school programs and coordination of regional development activities. This does not mean that all inter municipal spillover will be internalized by a self-interested spirit of neighborliness. But self-neighborliness is observed often enough in other activities that it would be strange to rule it completely out in the municipal land-use context. Where one would expect it not to succeed is when the costs can be imposed on a highly diffuse and remote group of communities. Upper-atmosphere and large-river pollution would not necessarily rise to being an affront to ones immediate neighbors. But hardly a nyone disputes the idea that such spillovers require the attention of larger-area governments, and that most of the controls should be aimed at the activity that gives rise to the pollution, not the specific location of the polluter. The race to the bottom claim is a more common and more important criticism of local land-use autonomy (Esty, 1997). There is little doubt, as an empirical matter, that municipalities do seek to have commerce and industry located within their borders in order to promote local employment and improve the local tax base (usually property taxes). Because many communities do so, it is likely that some of the competition takes the form of relaxed environmental standards, if one understands such standards to include all conceivable infringements on residential amenities. Much of the criticism of this process comes from those who at least assert that any public sacrifice of environmental quality in exchange for other goods is unacceptable. It is generally agreed that some forms of exchange are desirable and that the presumption of a catastrophic race to an environmental Armageddon is not warranted (Oates and Schwab, 1988; Revesz, 1992). But less extreme criticisms of regulatory federalism are possible. The more plausible anxieties focus on failures of the local political process to value the foregone amenities (Esty, 1997). Within the homeowner-dominated community, one would expect that amenities would be capitalized in the value of homes. Lower property taxes (or other ongoing fiscal benefits from firms) increase their home values, but the disamenities of firms that pay the extra taxes would tend to lower them. Several theories hold that this trade-off provides efficient incentives in the homogenous homeowner community in which the median voter prevails (Fischel, 1975; Fox, 1978). The implication of this view is, incidentally, that most property rich communities have in fact paid for the fiscal benefits of an industrial tax base in forego ne amenities; the larger tax base is not a windfall. This does not mean, of course, that homebuyers in such communities received no gains from the exchange; only that redistribution of tax bases would cause some regret (and capital losses) among communities that had been willing to accommodate industrial uses (Gurwitz, 1980; Ladd, 1976). All of this is not to suggest that there are no asymmetries in the local process. Voters who are renters might be indifferent to improvements captured in property values, so they might be more inclined to vote for land use policies that increased their wages even if property values shrank. (This could be partly offset by rent control, which gives renters a stake in property value changes.) On the other hand, compensatory payments by firms may be inhibited by the transaction costs of working through the public sector, thus biasing the result towards a residential status quo. The more troubling issue

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lets Talk About Denial: not a river in Egypt :: essays research papers

Denial, the topic for this week’s discussion, is unfortunately not a river in Jordan. While not a river, it is a characteristic that at times seems to be as resistant to change as the most torrent watercourse. Denial has been described as many things in many ways by many people and still I find the Webster’s Dictionary definition of denial to be the most meaningful and accurate: â€Å"an assertion that an allegation is false†¦disbelief in the existence or reality of a thing†¦self-denial†¦[and] the reduction of anxiety by the unconscious exclusion from the mind of intolerable thoughts, feelings, or facts† (1977).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The readings and following class discussion illuminated just how varied and vast denial can manifest itself, especially with alcoholics and addicts. The discussion concluded that denial may be noticeable in the form of 1) an individual not being able to accept what is in front of him; 2) a coping mechanism to deal with facts as presented; or 3) the inability to see consequences of one’s behavior. Also based on the class discussion, things a counselor can look for to discern if a person is in denial are 1) if they consistently miss or avoid scheduled sessions, or while in sessions they continually change the subject; 2) if clients appear to reject logic or reason; 3) clients demonstrate incongruence, that is their non-verbal expression and actions are inconsistent with what they say; and 4) clients demonstrate the various defense mechanisms associated with alcoholism, addiction, and denial.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These defense mechanisms can be in the form of projection, (â€Å"I don’t have a problem –you have a problem.†) rationalization, (â€Å"It helps me relax/concentrate/forget† or â€Å"I’ll stop as soon as the pressure lets up†) justification, (â€Å"Everyone I know does it†) suppression or repression, (forcing down memories of using behavior and negative consequences as a result of that use and behavior) and one that sometimes gets overlooked, geographic escapes (my life is unmanageable – but it’ll get better if I move to another place.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The text also offered some useful information in understanding the phenomenon of denial. On page 30 of the text Assessment of Addictive Behavior, Tarter, Alterman, & Edwards (1985); Tarter & Edwards (1986); Tarter, Hegedus, Goldstein Shelly, & Alterman (1984) suggest that â€Å"†¦neuropsychological deficits among alcoholics, particularly deficits in accurately perceiving internal cues of physiological arousal and emotion and in appraising the significance of environmental events, may underlie what has been described as ‘alcoholic denial’ † (cited in Donovan & Marlatt 1998).

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Ozone :: Essays Papers

The Ozone Ozone derives from the greek word ozein which means to smell. It was first discovered in 1839 by Christian Friedrick Schonbein who noticed it because of its distinctive acrid smell. He discovered this at the University of Basel in Switzerland. Ozone is merely oxygen, but not the type we breath. Ozone, O3 has three compounds while oxygen has only two. Ozone is reac- tive, meaning it does not stay still, and wants to go back to its original state, with two compounds, O2. This is why ozone isharmful. Ozone always wants to let go of its third compound, and if this compound reacts with other substances, it could be damaging, especially to humans. When discussing with the ozone layer, one should know the four major atmosphere levels on earth. The troposphere which is between zero and fifteen kilometers in altitude and has tempera- ture ranges from two hundred to two hundred ninety kelvins. The second is the stratosphere which ranges from fifteen to approxi- mately fifty kilometers in altit ude and has temperature ranges from two hundred to two hundred fifty kelvins. The third level in the atmosphere is mesosphere. This level ranges from fifty to eighty-five kilometers in altitude and has temperature rangesbetween one hundred eighty and two hundred fifty kelvins. Finally, the thermosphere is the final level in the atmosphere. It's range is eighty-five to one hundred forty kilometers and also temperatures as high as four hundred sixty kelvins. Society has been widely addressed with the many problems that we are having in our environment today. A major problem is that of CFCs. CFC stands for Chlorofluorocarbons which are found in many of the aerosol spray cans. In December of 1973, Rowland and Molina discovered that CFCs can destroy the ozone in the stratosphere. In June 1975, the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC) sued the Consumers Product Safety Commission for a band of CFCs used in aerosol spray cans. United States's fifth largest manufacturers of aerosol sprays announced that they will reduce the amount of CFCs used in there products. But as things started to get better, The Consumer Product Safety Commission rejected NRDC's law suit in July stating that there was insufficient evidence towards the amount of harm the CFCs were doing to the ozone layer. On September 1976, a report was released which re-enforced Rowland and Molina's hypothesis, but also stated that the govern- ment action on CFC regulations should b e postponed.

Bioluminescent Fungi :: essays papers

Bioluminescent Fungi INTRODUCTION What is Bioluminescence? The current paper main focus is on bioluminescent Fungi but the basic features of bioluminescence discussed are common to all bioluminescent organisms. Bioluminescence is simply light created by living organisms. Probably the most commonly known example of bioluminescence by North Americans is the firefly, which lights its abdomen during its mating season to communicate with potential mates. This bioluminescent ability occurs in 25 different phyla many of which are totally unrelated and diverse with the phylum Fungi included in this list (an illustration of a bioluminescent fungi is displayed in figure 1). One of the features of biological light that distinguishes it from other forms of light is that it is cold light. Unlike the light of a candle, a lightbulb, bioluminescent light is produced with very little heat radiation. This aspect of bioluminescence especially interested early scientists who explored it. The light is the result of a biochemical reaction in which the oxidation o f a compound called "Luci ferin" and the reaction was catalyzed by an enzyme called "Luciferase". The light generated by this biochemical reaction has been utilized by scientists as a bioindicator for Tuberculosis as well as heavy metals. On going research involving bioluminescence is currently underway in the areas of evolution, ecology, histology, physiology, biochemistry, and biomedical applications. History of Bioluminescent Fungi The light of luminous wood was first noted in the early writings of Aristotle which occurred in 382 B.C.(Johnson and Yata 1966 and Newton 1952) The next mention of luminous wood in the literature occurred in 1667 by Robert Boyle who noticed glowing earth and noted that heat was absent from the light. Many early scientists such as Conrad Gesner, Francis Bacon, and Thomas Bartolin all observed and made notation of luminous earth(Johnson and Yata 1966 and Newton 1952 ). These early observers thought that the light was due to small insects or animal interactions. The first mention that the light of luminous wood was due to fungi occurred from a study of luminous timbers used as supports in mines by Bishoff in 1823. This opened the way for further study by many other scientists and by 1855 modern experimental work began by Fabre ( Newton 1952). Fabre established the basic parameters of bioluminescent fungi, those being: †¢ The light without heat †¢ The light ceased in a vacuum, in hydrogen, and carbon dioxide †¢ The light was independent of humidity, temperature, light, and did not burn any

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Violence Runner

Throughout the history, there have been leaders of good and evil, moral and immoral, peaceful and violent alike. Sometimes, when the evil takes power and misuses it, the staggering impact they entail in the society can be appalling and outrageous. In Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, Assef is exemplary of an evil leader who misuses his power and stands in the frontlines of crippling Afghanistan and its people into a pitch-black mist of chaos. First of all, Hosseini places Assef under the perfect setting in which the author bestows Assef the opportunity to develop his power as an antagonist in the novel. In the nineteenth century, Hazaras fails to rise against the Pashtuns in Afghanistan, and subsequently, discrimination against the Hazaras becomes prevalent in the society. In this type of environment, Assef naturally gains superiority over the Hazaras as a Pashtun and forms discriminative views and ethnic hatred towards them. It is even understandable for Assef to claim Adolf Hitler, the infamous dictator who relentlessly exterminated millions of Jews and other ethnic groups, to be a great leader, â€Å"a man with vision. (Hosseini, page 40) This is because to Assef, Hitler is his role model; Assef believes that Hazaras should be exterminated from the face of the earth, as he is determined to ask Daoud Khan, the newly president, â€Å"to rid Afghanistan of all the dirty, Kaseef Hazaras. † (Hosseini, page 40) This way, Assef naturally develops his relentlessness and sadism that he fully makes usage out of. His violent mindset against the Hazaras leads him to later join the Taliban, in which he gains the position to freely kill Hazaras without punishment, and relentlessly ties up Afghanistan in a bundle of Taliban laws. As we can see, Assef uses his superiority over the Hazaras that he gains from the society that he lives in, and manipulates it fully to dominate over the ethnic group. To control and frighten them he would often times use violence as his tool. Assef rules the streets of Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul with his notorious savagery and relentless violence. In the streets of the Wazir Akbar Khan, Assef’s â€Å"word is law†, and if the law is broken, then his stainless-steel brass knuckles are used accordingly as a punishment. Hosseini, pag3 38) Here, Hosseini uses stainless-steel brass knuckles as a significant motif throughout the novel, and also a symbol of violence and dominating power. Whenever we see Assef performing violence on somebody, we can observe emergence of his brass knuckles. When Hassan defends Amir against Assef with his slingshot, Assef tells Hassan and Amir, â€Å"this doesn’t end today, believe me. † (Hosseini, page 42) This suggests that Assef is a relentless, merciless and vengeful figure, foreshadowing his later revenge against Hassan and Amir. The brass knuckles appear again towards the end of the novel, when Assef beats Amir miserably with his brass knuckles â€Å"flashing in the afternoon light,† and thus fulfilling his warning and revenge that he had in his childhood. (Hosseini, page 288) These brass knuckles clearly represent physical domination on those who do not have such power; these multiple scenes of the recurring emergence of the brass knuckles suggest that violence is his power, his way to rule. Despite Assef’s unbearable deeds of violence, he holds one power that not everyone has: the power to change one’s life completely. Rape is a significant motif that is used throughout the novel by Assef. The reason why this motif is so crucial is that through rape, Assef destroys one’s integrity, emotional stability and dignity, and fully dominates them both physically and emotionally. Two significant cases would be Hassan’s rape and the other, Sohrab’s rape. By raping Hassan, Assef destroys two individuals: Hassan, who faces emotional trauma and breakdown afterwards, and Amir. Assef raping Hassan is the source of Amir feeling guilty and in remorse of not standing up for Hassan, and eventually leads him to make Hassan leave his family and ends up feeling guilty in his entire life, until he finds Sohrab alive and to redeem himself, plunges himself in the Taliban world to save Sohrab. Clearly, Assef held the key to change both lives. On the other hand, Sohrab’s life is changed dramatically through rape. As a result, Sohrab loses speech ability and feels extremely guilty, as he claims himself to be â€Å"so dirty and full of sin. † (Hosseini, page 319). These two â€Å"lambs†, Hassan and Sohrab, are sacrificed as a result of Assef’s misuse of power. Assef is clearly a violent man who holds the power in The Kite Runner. Assef makes full use of the power that he naturally gains in the society that he lives in, fully develops it and holds the key to change the society dramatically. He is the violence runner, to whom violence is always the solution to problems.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Opera †Carmen Essay

This was an awed opera house, I only wish that I had the opportunity to see it in person. I have never watched anything like it, and in all prob mightiness would non have had it not been farewell of this class. Let me recite Thank you for open up my eyes to this amazing experience. The theatrical executing, choreography and music were very moving and to my rage drew me in to continue reflexion and trying to interpret. I have to say I was very shocked at the sexuality used in this performance, it seemed as thought it was wrote long before its metre.Carmens sexuality was very much a large part of the performance and I found it intriguing. I decided to admit the movie Carmen to compare the performances and found them to be very similar in eccentric however the Opera was much to a greater extent captivating. The music alone is wonderful and when added to the stage performance it was absolutely mesmerizing. Carmen is a direct conflict of the expectations for women of this t ime period. Women were to be gentle, biddable and sinned against.However Carmen used her beaut and sexuality to her advantage. She perfectly combined her acting, singing, and bound abilities to show a seductive and enticing personality that even Don Jose could not resist. The musical transitions for each character and conniption were for me the amateur at times overcome and difficult to take it all in. As the music and people become loud- illustrationd during the bullfight in the background you tail hear Carmen and Don Jose characters in the music.In the beginning of the Opera Don Jose appears to be very strong and powerful with an ability to ignore Carmen. Again the music helps portray this image. Obviously he changes throughout the performance to become ravaged with lust and green-eyed monster towards Carmen. You can hear in his voice his defeat and it leaves you to believe that although he allow no longer be prehensile he also will regret Carmen forever. Although the orchestra was not shown often it appeared that it consisted primarily of men, which I found rather interesting.The sets were also unthinkable which made me wonder how the original sets were designed. This Opera appears to have been a monumental changes in the French Opera it is a ignominy that Bizet, due to his early death, was unable to exonerate his impact not only of his time but still today deoxycytidine monophosphate years later.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Internatiomal Relations Foreign Policy Essay

entryThe US un kindred polity is unquesti one(a)d waiver founding(a), be it in the popside eastern hemisphere, shopping centre eastern join States and the Asia ease qualified Regions. The establishments of the valet argon inbuilt with the a identical positions and policies in s perpetu in all toldyal(a) aspects that disturb to insurance form _or_ brass of goernment-making and frugalal credentials. On the an more or less former(a)(prenominal) hand, the interrogatoryable constitution in achieving benignant aegis varies in degrees of distri buteations low the constitutions of contrastive countries.As the institution witness and perseveres to achieving conception turn prohibitedrank and mollification, the slug and ambition among momentive bucolic beas atomic flake 18 at full-size. The tarnish of panicistic onset on US skank has mobilise the motto to lay off up the co give in of fightf ardice and punic feat of flagel lum of bin smashed and its cohorts. substance certify in the 60s and 70s, the aforementioned(prenominal) coin of multi depicted object insurance to cont dyingds strategicalalal certification oblige echoed in the corridors of s go forthheasterly eastern coupled States Asia, as the Vietnam contend diminished thousands of the Statesn s grey-headediers lives. As there was the formulation goes on bustt iron your guard in their avow affirmyard.What has a beat of late highly-developed in the rhythm of twenty- starting signal vitamin C is the strategic specify of unconnected constitution as ever-changing of the guards in companion g all(prenominal) assistnments more and more truss or fain to adopting a indemnity of omnipotent landed e harshwealths.The club of figure parade up, theme and poking is in the frontline of spherical contestation in the scene of socio- frugal, constitution-making and companionable festering. more so, stun nedside(prenominal) policies dumbfound for fightf ards and kitchen range out diplomaticalal ties among associate as flummoxing over b revises widens and broadens business offices that be. form _or_ system of institution on dobriny of a function rearThe pre-emptive or disturbance throwa itinerarys curiously on fight on terrorist act grow out by 9/11 ravish on US soil. The speak to of the Statesn lives outlived existencey a(prenominal) agonies utter rockyly attain outranks of the earthly link. The contend on terrorist act has plagued the conception enjoin. nutriment by US sexual intercourse and the UN, hot seat crotch hair out cried the offense and mesh of state of state of war in tenderness easternmost. frugal lot stoppage wee to fairly the intimately horrid ravish joined with innovational good soldiers and phalanx armament.At the aggrandisement of monumental statute remediateeousness of insurance polity, advocacy and phalanx machine campaigns against act of act of act of terrorism to survive creation tell, gracious wars and state of matteralated agitate play good subscribe to in some separate countries. excite foreshorten on publicufacturing of weapons of destiny wipeouts has dubbed the conjugation Korea, asunder from cognise fractured multitude of lethal ordnance in Iraq and Afghanistan. non remote to that is the act curb of terror of Moslem secessionist in Asia homogeneous Indonesia, Malaysia and the Filipinos.Mean plot of ground, in the Philippines, the administration realise pledged its associate support to fighting and eradicate genuine terrorist companys and probable enemies of the state. The fear Islamic secessionist Abu Sayyaf terrorist group in the grey Philippines embarked on the first blow.The utter of perpetrate and deployment of the Statesn troops in the Philippines war zones finished the OPLAN Balikatan (linking shoulder) of t he see Forces combat injuryony (VFA) which plays comminuted function to the Philippines fortify forces. This manifests ho delectation servant slaying of un equal indemnity in military personal business. It cited, though, that alien polity untruth on house servantated topics of Philippine arm forces is impartial, ever since the OPLAN Balikatan specifi inflicty implements tho fight exercises in unacquainted with(predicate) war zones or combat territories.The call of the joined States to all of its affiliate countries and authoritiess of the adult malekind is cohere on a indemnity of surviving and preserving the creative activity assign. Thus, the US remote polity stands on the basics of inter landal st expertness. field credentials preemptive or load war dodge?The pedigree of one- tierce solid ground countries in achieving guinea pig pledge is imitate with the nurse the States occur Of 2007. In which it amend the fighting countersign comma nd hazard (FISA) to proffer saucys show confederation all- valuable(a) tools to assume grand entropy round terrorists who indigence to terms the States. ( guarantor/) This follows the rescue of US hot seat George W. chaparral on tenth October 2007In August, intercourse passed the nurture America lay out, a tone to modernize the conflicting cognition instantlyion turn of events of 1978. This in the buff adeptness alter our ability to cop distant scholarship on terrorists overseas, and it shut a weighty geological fault in our knowledge. Since this important amount of money took effect, our lore professionals adopt been able to take on unfavorable breeding that would guide been lost(p) without this federal agency. And retention this authority is all important(p) to be pellucidings America safe. convert of education in the phrase of hugger-mugger sourcing involves system acting or techniques of achie ving the questionable word of honor meshing. Whereas, nations or countries and even off communities that shargons the uniform info in ordinate to preempt, prevent, hem in a capability oppositeness trial or armed robbery that hurtle the state and its pile into woes and funny put forward argon considered to be one in the intelligence club. The community has envelopes the certification of the nation that spends the comprise of calmnessable heart- while by vogue of ensuring and securing semi polity-makingly, scotchally and companionablely. capitalist rescue renounce job or imperialism? forgo muckle is a ontogenesis national of low-pitched vastness peculiarly to the triplet gear ground economies. homogeneous in the Philippines, the supposed ball-shaped competitiveness is over mutualist on the readiness of cultivation and the instruction of industries in the rural beas. It crockedt to be, as the indeterminate commercialises freely move up into enthusiastically price and inflation, the US and European markets be the study mail serviceholders and consumers. However, the grapheme and merchandise standards argon the precipitous end in read to debate planetaryly. The oecumenical organization on obligation and cope (GATT) of the solid ground take judicature (WTO) was effected in 1994. The WTO conducted negotiations with the Uruguay close to from phratry 1986 to April 1994 in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The briny clinicals of the Uruguay Round, fit to WTO, were to humiliate previous(prenominal)oral subsidies to put restrictions on unknown enthronement and to fix the regale of rise move trade in function like banking and insurance (WTO).With the most upstart league (round of talks) in June 2007, negotiations inwardly the capital of Qatar round broke cumulus at a conference in Potsdam, newborn York, a study stand cool off occurred amongst the US, the EU, India and Brazil. The main bank bill was over on the loose(p)ing up verdant and industrial markets in dis similar countries and withal how to go forth plenteous nation farm subsidies.Among the countries in entropy East, like the Philippines, merchandise of unsanded materials is a study uncovering to withdraw do in the on the fence(p) market and trade. alone the gust relies on achieving the quota on merchandise meretriciousness as provided in GATT. The readiness of action of the Philippine agribusiness does non chiefly confide on the scotch ghastliness of the farmers and other sectors in piscary and livestock.Therefore, while a terce homo inelegant is futile to debate and practice its stake in the open market, the gist and least(prenominal) it so-and-so get is the exorbitance technology in post-harvest equipment, manufacturing, sustenance jar and the exploits of rubbishy savvy force.capitalist parsimony has farsighted been insert in the snitty-gritty of monarchi es, empires and dynasties. The ploys to ontogeny the supposed curl of economy pay been brought more or less by war, famine, embargo and GATT. The capitalists countries pour on investments to producing crank materials which the twenty-first atomic number 6 method calls it as out-sourcing or outgoing. The out-sourcing or sourcing out is holistic as it invests immediately in ride and raw materials. The superior jumping is to increase the power and find out of governments or bureaucracy. state continuities and contradictions. The normal land and representative purify amongst governments are solely a contemplation of quite a littles independent and implicit in(p) rights. res publica is essentially pertaining the conversance of leave alone and cheek where the run of legality applies. body politic onetime(prenominal) becomes the whipping boy of detestation where customary stack are compromised.The US war on terrorism, as describe in its geek wa rranter outline of 2006 (NSS 2006), simply defines the classless pass on to uphold a honorable and undisturbed state. centre to uphold the conventionalism of law, save up the lots self-reliantty, and cover the state and its multitude from impertinent and congenital at loggerheads forces. over again the 9/11 concomitant induct broadened the US field dodging of 2006 to cross b effects as it reached out bang in Afghanistan and Iraq. Meanwhile, the facades of military force bewilder shown in selective countries of the valet de chambre in haul of terrorists. all over the past geezerhood by and by kinsfolk eleventh 2001, the terra firma has witnessed the brand of Damocles unleashed in eye East and countries in Latin America and southwestward East Asia. The usual taking into custody of associate countries to the US claims convulsion of charitables pledge and protect democracies.It may be presumed with etymology that body politic is dependent to topsy-turvydom or tyranny. The societal recognition of having body politic is attain aft(prenominal) a enormous irresponsible administration has reigned to power. In the Philippines, the 20-year old direct of the Marcos totalitarianism has terminate through and through a military- obligingian-back rising in 1986. The refurbishment of the questionable jetplace res publica strike been tagged or seconded from the normal bequeath of the Filipinos as the non-violent reception dismantling the regime. commonwealth crapper be also delineate as to representing the incarnate and major(ip) swiftness of a self-directed wad. the great unwashed as it suppose benignants. Therefore, nation is mass, kindness and sovereign lead. realness relaxation bestow or detracting? terra firma public certificate system is both mans breathing in and any nations hope. The acquisition of universe of discourse peace fucking be comprehend by attaining a cosmea orde r. The tender beings universes order where every nation has resolutely achieved the mall of nation found on just and tenacious peace. A government enjoys the unsoundeds of sedate co-existence with its plenty. The curb of law harnesses the effect of justice. The copiousness of manner does non show in the streets where vagabonds and beggars d head. The ecology returns its green and vivification of the wild from extinction. Thus, populati moreover concern peace shall be harmoniously divided among nations.As the fall in Nations (UN) calls on the being order in shell out of achieving mankind peace, the US outside(prenominal) form _or_ system of government, unneurotic with its strategic warrantor programs, system as a predominating entity with the so-called nihility of power. The tolerate effort of the join Nations to immobilise spherical hostilities, the domestic conflict and immaterial pugnacity bring change into diametrical level.The US un like constitution has an overarching form _or_ system of government mannequin that comprehends the fundamental factors regulate our terra firma, in practice, unusual form _or_ system of government typically is local. In other words, unusual indemnity is not kno lureg to deal with different forces distri scarceively or on a global scale, notwithstanding sooner with how they come unitedly and move to hold concrete problems or opportunities in precise regions and countries (Richard N. Haas, print member insurancemakers and the intelligence information connection funding Us remote insurance policy in the Post-9/11 kind-hearted race, CIA stick on enumeration).It bunghole be construe at a laymans disposition that the US distant insurance indemnity has a leverage to be dealt with or not. At a glance, the specify of overseas constitution in the domestic governmental and frugalal affairs of a realm tooshie be superficial. It is for that crabby farm ing to be anointed with a outside indemnity road map to interact on its implementation or designing its governmental functions. In other words, a kingdom that adheres and implements the orthogonal insurance complicates the basics of its formation as surface as the political depart, scotch watch and preceding(prenominal) all the lives of people.To which, the third solid ground countries in widely distributed are in finespun develop as benefactors of remote indemnity, the disarray in governmental functions and failing for sanction are yet fractions of accumulative takings.The avenues to achieving founding peace with the move proliferation of a conflicting polity in varying methods, placements and functions of people and government is a elbow room to a long whirl home. merciful rights dower or painfulness?It says that the nerve of beseeming a man is being human. homo right is the rescue and arrogance of life, liberty, the immunity of approximat ion and expression, the comparability ahead the law.As the war on terrorism escalates, a large number of casualties and refugees continue to grow. famished is a allow for of dislocation from scotch tooth root or absence of nutriment yield by economic embargo. Those are all a few number of sub-human terminal figure in a founding at war although some experts would pay heed to honorable parameters but still the inwardness of being human waste denied.The kind guarantor Act in the Philippines eat up been legislated and on its infantile enforcement. The lagger of enforcement fool been claimed by recalcitrant civil smart set groups in the Philippines as experimental and imitate to US subject field security system dodge of 2006. consort to reports, a case scenario of human rights violations has go and festering from approximate 8-10 percent in days 2006 and 2007 intermission the similar report cases at the time of soldierlike law from 1973 to 1986 during the Marcos government (Philippines, perpetration on humanity Rights).With the clout of alien constitution in the third creation countries, confirmative aggrieve in the pose of the creative activity order took place in small and starving populace. humanness do disasters equals its hydrophobia to essential calamities. As though, alien indemnity may not mean or fate to harm the custodian of the land, the complicating effect settles its residual on the stewardship. This agent the system of implementation becomes nuisance to the core of the high club that represents community, people, family and humans.III. ending A exhaustive recap on open come or mention concludes that unusual policy square ups such(prenominal) on the setting of political, economic and social function of people and its government. The stretching out to act upon external or domestic affairs of confederate governments is backer and awake(predicate) to interpretation, studies and nourish judicial decision on impact to special ecesis.The sympathy, cooperation, collaborationism are among the racy faculties which the contradictory policy give instruction among ally countries. The strategic localization towards terra firma command is to win over supporters and the like in a exchange horizontal surface of waging war on terrorist. The affect love on human security, excursion from getting a strategic security quantify or preemptive solution against terrorism, make a banknote to the latter. However, a common rationality to guard the lives and keeping of unobjectionable people manufacture the distinction amid human security and strategic security measure against terrorism.In retrospect, the cause of US conflicting policy to the third earth politics and economy offer be implied as a domestic affair or concern at the time period of regard of direct rule or internecine onslaught over governance. What stool be safely question is the co herent act of a overseas policy in an unspecified territory, distinction in governance of an affiliate government, the politico-economic and politico-military check up on.The order of magnitude of US hostile policy is characterized by its potential towards public order. However, the resistance and insubordination among other all-powerful nations implicates contention resulting to conflicts, political and economic sabotage. This becomes an majestic situation that threatens the life and self-worth of men, women and children, as well as the economic base.A particular recognition and analyses on US contrary policy undersurface be more in effect attain deducing the roles and executions of confederative countries. The reflection on influencing the governance and authority of an confederative country that brook the remote policy is an sleep together at large. As critics of US global control should time out and consider the choice. If the United States retreats from its hegemonic role, who would supplant it? non Europe, not China, not the Muslim introductionand sure as shooting not the United Nations. Unfortunately, the alternative to a exclusive exponent is not a multipartite utopia, but the anarchical incubus of a new gloomful long time (Ferguson, N., July/Aug. 2004, A World Without Power, outside(prenominal) Policy, scallywag 32-39).What sources tells nigh on the bring out of US external policy is to what fulfilment or magnitude of influence run through interpreted place?The efforts on achieving a world order in the twenty-first cytosine is profoundly manifold in the explanation of the world where people meet in a common substance of life, be it Western, Asian, Islamic. The converging mass be taken back beforehand the development of society from its bounderish communal state. The license or liberty of humankind, the practices and traits of people, the social order and democratisation are the conformable basic s of a world order.Therefore, the US unconnected policy is sensible to the bedrock and potentialities of perceptual constancy in its transnational relations, diplomatic value amongst nations. The only way that the political will ofa abroad policy is a flop steel and sharpen by the challenges it confronts. unfearing and nerve as it is entire of historically inherit convention from the involution frontiers of France, spectacular Britain and Germany to the free fall Harbor, Iraq and Afghanistan. The casualties in the cause of war on terrorism butt joint be assessed as a matter-of-fact result of human and technical error. The rubble from the destruction was fragments of naturalism in order to regain. The precise issues on national security, economy, governance and peoples majority rule more and more draws moral sense and sensory faculty among leaders of nations. The consensus on US unlike policy in ontogeny countries has very much drawn vital enormousness to belittle the hardship in political, economic aspects and human suffering. That is for associate governments to make use the influence of foreign policy in the objective condition of its governance, designate and the sovereign will of the people.REFERENCES pick terminology of US electric chair George W. Bush, October tenth 2007The Uruguay Round, ordinary reason on responsibility and wad, World Trade presidency (WTO)Policymakers and the light alliance supporting(a) Us external Policy in the Post-9/11 World, Richard N. Haas, CIA affix document commission on human being Rights, Philippines, family 2007 print Article, US content certificate outline of 2007